Beautifully Random Links-Tater Salad Edition

A universal basic income in America?
Pegacorns, but what a wonderful idea. You start out under your parents’ roof, you get your first job, but you need a car, insurance, gas money, you usually have to pay for your work uniforms and supplies…Unlike Monopoly, though, we don’t start out with $200 to get us on our way to financial independence.
Ya gotta admit, it would be nice even if they gave everyone that basic $200 monthly once you hit 18.
Pegacorns but I am a dreamer.
If anyone had a brain, they’d realize a basic income would have meant our virus laden economy wouldn’t be in such a shit state because people would have still had money ot pay bills and buy goods. DERP.
And no dream shattering logic on how it’s unfeasible or breeds free loadng. Let me have my damn pegacorn in theory.
Pandemic robots released…
Nope, not a line from Styx’s Mr. Roboto, welcome to 2020.
Not willing to risk your life with the virus for minimum wage? Your state is gonna turn you in for not showing up, fuck you for wanting to be healthy and alive.
I have a dream…that basic internet service for all becomes the norm. And if not the norm, at least cheaper than fucking $84 a month for spotty DSL.
A unique music legend has passed at age 87…
RIP, Little Richard. Keep playing that piano in the sky.
This should NEVER happen in the United States in 2020.
If you don’t remember dial up modems, consider it a gift.
ODE TO POTATO SAMMICH IF HE READS THIS, (potato salad could be a relative!)
Fark user submitted headline:
(Florida Man): Oh, you think you’re next for potato salad? The Second Ammendment says I’M next for potato salad. (Man at the opposite end of Publix draws his gun): Someone’s Second Ammendment potato salad rights may be at risk.
Nah, no tater salad throw down, just armed men at a deli, the new norm. Sad even for Florida.
Man gets tossed out of McDonald’s for not wearing a mask, then robs underwear from Walmart…and it’s NOT Florida.
Sikh doctors shave their beards for a good reason…
I support religious rights entirely and this sacrifice to the religious beliefs all in the name of public health-when America’s president and VP shun masks like American Idiots…Above and beyond, Montreal docs, above and beyond.
Cardboard coffin beds…
This virus is really bringing me down and making me feel my coffin decor is lacking in taste. Good thing I’m just insensitive enough to still wear all my coffin shaped earrings.
psa encouraging me not to mow my lawn til June so the bees can pollinate and make perty flowers…Yes please. And send a copy to my lawn mowing obsessed idget father.

“No Mow May” Campaign Asks Us to Leave the Lawn Alone Until June to Help Save Bees

ghost girlfriend cheating on guy during virus crisis…you can’t make this shit up…or can you
robot dogs…to force social distancing….i mentioned this last week…Terrifying if they look like the ones I saw in a tv show. Those were some doberman robots.

Beautifully Random Links- NSFW Sex Ed Edition

Take a Ride on My Mood Swing

Wine pouring from the faucet, knitting while driving, and a llama in a tux at a wedding…
This has it all.
This writer has a way with words…
“Scared to Visit the CDC?
President Contaminated HawSpit—also known as the Human Racism Virus—keeps telling America that we’ve got nothing to fear when it comes to the coronavirus. In fact, he basically said that if blacks have their peppermints and ginger ale, they should be good.”
NSFW, NSFL- people have been kinky since the dawn of time
$360,000 ground for a rare gaming system at auction…
I wish I’d become a nerd way sooner and gotten in on the gaming thing.
These cars with ‘smart park’
are freaking me out. Before long, humans are going to be useless.
Well that was weird. My friend said she was going to back to sleep and next…

View original post 971 more words

I’m Gonna Wash Your Mouth Out With Hand Sanitizer, says a schoolteacher

It happens to most new parents…
“No one is more cautious than a first-time parent. After our daughter was big enough to ride on the back of my bicycle, I bought a special carrier with a seat belt and got her a little helmet.

The day of the first ride I put her in the seat, double-checked all the equipment, wheeled the bike to the end of the driveway, carefully looked both ways and, swinging my leg up over the crossbar, accidentally kicked her right in the chin. ”
When my kid was 4 months old, my purse slid off my shoulder and hit her in the head in her carrier. She had a red mark on her forehead but she barely fussed. Just lucky I missed her soft spot or I could be raising a much worse demon spawn now.
Um, NO, Amazon…
I have no desire to pay for things with a wave of my handprint.
That is such a bad idea, I mean, people will be cutting off rich folks’ hands to go shopping. And in Trump’s America, people walking around with severed hands probably wouldn’t even be a crime.
Playing with a dildo.
That is all.
Yes, a toy Tesla Cybertruck.
Cos the real thing isn’t ugly enough in full size.
Least they got shattered windows right.
I will be avoiding youtube during the week of the election. I have an aversion to Cheeto orange asshats comandeering the top of my page.
And FYI,
I feel that way about the non orange politicians, too.
Politics make me ill. Just say no.
This quote.
“Ideally, you really don’t want racists working in any position where they have to interact with the general public regularly.”
Um…are Americans really that obliviou to the fact one of the biggest racists on the planet is president?
Something about a racist judge and thousands of court cases now under review. One more day in MAGA country.
I have my Hero Of The Week.
Ten year old boy who asked for donations to a cat rescue ‘cafe’ instead of birthday gifts for himself, raised $500. Outstanding, little dude.
And this is where tech turns 2020 into a page straight out of Orwell.

California Cops Are Collecting Info on Millions of Drivers Who Have Done Nothing Wrong

I’m not sure…
what little girl decides one day she is going to be strong enough to bend skillets in half but here she is as an adult…
Original article, meh
Fark user headline-dead on. I live in the most corrupt state in the country.
“Illinois bill aims to remove religious exemptions to vaccination, although certain things can still be done if you discreetly slide your state legislator an envelope full of cash.”
Whack a doodle middle school teacher washes misbehaving student’s mouth out with…hand sanitizer. What the actual fuck? Fire that crazy bitch and put her ass in jail or a rubber room.
Scammer nets $81,000 getting people to mail cash for virus removal of their computers…
FUCK ME, I can’t even get my friends to have fundraiser so I can pay my power bill and keep the lights on to the tune of $500 and this douche gets people to send him $81,000? I guess I just lack the charisma to inspire people to help and I have a conscience so I can’t be a scammer. Well, FUCK.

Tuesday Thoughts, Not Trending Version

Forget fake news, how about fickle news?
Other day, it was “Trump and company ignored CDC to fly back Corona virus patients.”
2 days later:
“Trump FURIOUS Corona patients allowed back into the U.S.”
How about consistent truth, news media, is that really such a bloody challenge?
“Personally, I’d buy Ed Gein-branded signature lampshades before I’d ever buy anything with Donald Trump’s name on it.”
(Ed Gein used to dig up dead women and remove their skin to make lamp shades and he’d wear their skin, thus Buffalo Bill from Silence Of The Lambs was inspired.)
Vagina scented incense, wtf?
NOPE. Not letting go of the Kentucky Fried Chicken scented croc story any time soon. It’s grosser than wearing skin suits.
I posted about Trump buying all the banner ad space on youtube in the week leading up to the election…
This Fark user nailed my sentiments with this headline.
“YouTube inspires record number of everyday people to figure out how to install ad blocking software.”
My posthumous hero…
I soo want a pic of me on my headstone flipping people off.
And fuck the Aussie cemetary with the stick up their ass for removing the ‘offensive’ grave marker and not even telling the family.
Gee, there might be some sort of problem with the October deadline requiring ‘real’ state ID to travel domestically? No way! Stevie Wonder could have seen this coming.
One man cheesecake factory…

That’s how much New York Sen. Chuck Schumer spent on cheesecake over seven years. He says it’s his guilty pleasure.
A cat and a Linkin Park song on piano???
Video. Must. Go. Viral.

Bad jokes…
The lifeguard told the mother to make her young son stop urinating in the pool.

“Everyone knows,” the mother lectured him, “that from time to time, young children will urinate in a pool.”

“Oh really?” said the lifeguard, “from the diving board!?!”
Perfect way to drop 160 pounds…
A woman said to her friend, “I don’t know what to do. My husband is such a mess maker that you can’t imagine. He doesn’t put anything in its place, I am always going around the house organizing things.”

The friend says, “Take a tip from me. The first week after we were married I told my husband firmly, ‘Every glass and plate that you take, wash when you are done and put back in its place.'”

The first woman asked, “Did it help?”

Her friend said, “I don’t know. I haven’t seen him since.”
Toy Fair 2020
Land of the Homophobes…
Got two moms? School says you can’t write about being in favor of same sex marriage.
The U.S ignorance factor is mind boggling.

Student With Two Moms Banned From Writing Paper ‘Taking a Stand’ in Favor of Same-Sex Marriage

Oh, those wacky Fox News conservatives are always good for a laugh…

‘Jesus Was Not a Socialist!’ Fox News Panel Explodes Over Jesus Christ’s Political Views

Jesus was neither socialist or capitalist…He was a decent human being with empathy and compassion. And I’m not even religious but I cannot accept any deity who lacks these qualities so maybe it’s naive of me.

Freaky Friday Thoughts

Late one night a burglar broke into a house that he thought was unoccupied. He hadn’t gotten far when he heard a voice say, “Jesus is watching.”

The burglar froze. But nothing happened, so he went back to his work.

Again the voice said, “Jesus is watching.”

The burglar looked around, and spotted a parrot in a cage.

“Was that you, you stupid bird?” the burglar asked.

“I’m not a stupid bird,” the parrot replied. “I’m John the Baptist.”

“John the Baptist?” scoffed the burglar. “What kind of idiot names a parrot John the Baptist?”

The bird replied, “The same idiot who named the Rottweiler Jesus.”

Come check out the wordpress blogger community, please.

I Have A Dream- To Make The WordPress Blogger Community A More Appealing Social Media Site Than Facebook and Twitter

Take a Ride on My Mood Swing

Don’t get the title of this post wrong. I’m well aware that it is unlikely any sites will ever be able to legitimately compete with monster ‘everybody and their grandma and dead grandpa’s dog use it’ social media sites in numbers. And honestly, from my point of view, the more popular something becomes in mainstream society, the less legit it actually becomes. Then it’s just some mindless sheeple trend with people in their 50’s retreating to their teen years and saying, “Well, everyone else is doing it, guess I should get with the times, too.” It sickens me.

No, my dream isn’t as large scale as all that. Nor is it for our newfounded community to become some mindless trend for people to inanely chatter and post about what they ate for lunch every single day of the week, or to gossip about what a tramp so and so is…

View original post 1,053 more words

Snake Orgies, Snakes In Pillowcases, But No Snakes On A Plane

Forget snakes on a plane…
Snakes in a pillow case outside a fire department.
This sickens me, as I am a snake lover and only a monster would leave those poor creatures to the elements that way.
Seems this is the week of the snake…
Snake orgy. Kid you not.
Never enough blonde jokes…
There once was a magic mirror which would kill you if you lied to it.

One day a brunette was doing her makeup and said to herself, “I think I’m the smartest woman ever!” She immediately dropped dead.

The next day a redhead was doing her hair and said to herself, “I think I’m the prettiest woman alive!” She immediately dropped dead.

Finally, the following day, a blond was flossing her teeth. She stopped and said to herself, “I think…,” and dropped dead.
Always nice to know the president of the land of the free personally calls up homophobes to tell them not to apologize for their offensive tirades.

Limbaugh: ‘Nice Guy’ Trump Called and Told Me to Not Apologize for My Anti-Gay Comments About Pete Buttigieg

And everyone tells me to get with the times and update to Windows 10. Not until they pry Win 7 out of my cold dead hands.
I got my kid a netbook with Windows 10 and it’s still in the repair shop 5 months later.
Elizabeth Warren Exists
“Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away, an evil, pumpkin-colored king named Dottard Grump ruled the land.”
OMG, this could be a game changer for someone like me if I could afford it…
I am infamous for keen ability to strip down TVs and such to individual pieces for reuse or discard. BUT because of my mental health issues/brain damage causing short term memory problems, I CANNOT be trusted to reassemble things properly. This handy dandy thing would allow me to track-and write- where what screws/etc came from which part of what I disassemble. It would be nirvana for me, considering how much DIY I must attempt as a single mom.

LAME, Seth, especially for latenight TV
“A cellist in Oregon was arrested after police found over 100 pounds of marijuana in his car trunk. Thankfully, when they pulled him over, he didn’t resort to violins.” -Seth Meyers
Methinks something is rotten in the state of Denmark…
Or Gordan Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares, anyway. I cannot fathom how he comes into EVERY single restaurant over 7 years and tests the menu and yet every item is ‘disgusting’. He’s not even that harsh on the contestants of Hell’s Kitchen.
But bitching and moaning and swearing and making other people feel belittled sells more TV ad space, I guess.
I am not saying Ramsay is nice to his HK contestants, by any means. But he doesn’t call them out for their food, without also focusing on something in their appearance or history or intelligence that further belittles them. I think, “You’re cooking is shit I wouldn’t feed my dog” suffices. No need to add on, “You’re a fat piece of shit, this is disgusting, I wouldn’t feed it to my dog.”
Appearance has zilch to do with culinary skills, one would think such a renowned chef would knot that.
Petty meanness sells, I guess.
Vampire planned wedding, anyone
$2,500 a month to Tweet and text Bloomberg’s praises…
sounds as legit as Trump impeachment being acquitted.

Gee, Your Feet Smell Like Chicken

10 foot long turtle fossil found…very interesting.
KFC crocs…
Yes, the shoes. And they smell liked fried chicken.
Feet should never smell like chicken.
Gem of a quote

Black diamond, it’s the toughest of the stones, of the diamonds, to cut. It’s hard to hurt, to destroy. In my recent years, I’ve come to realize that I’m incredibly strong.

Janet Jackson, explaining the inspiration for her newly announced “Black Diamond” album and world tour
a cell phone with a rotary dial…
The rotary dial alone is worth a look since so many people don’t even remember using those old phones or never had to use them.
Star Trek was sooo far ahead of its time, its like Gene Roddenbarry had a crystal freaking ball on some of this stuff.
Blue tooth running shoes????
My age is showing because that is just technology gone too far. I thought the KFC crocs were weird.
This is…bizarre.
an article from 1989 about the Rolling Stones and Trump…
If he was this bad in ’89, why the fuck did our so called delegates find him fit for the presidency? This is why I have NO faith in our election and voting process.
tee hee
“On Valentine’s Day, Americans spend $367 million on their pets. That seems like a waste. You don’t need to wine and dine your dog. Either way, he’s going to hump your leg.” -Jimmy Kimmel
Millions of years ago, there was no such thing as the wheel. One day, some primitive guys were watching their wives drag a dead mastodon to the food & fire area. It was exhausting work; the guys were getting tired just watching.

Then they noticed some large, smooth, rounded boulders and they had a great idea! They could sit on top of the boulders and get a better view of their wives working.

This was the first in a series of breakthroughs that ultimately led to television…and later to the remote control.

[From Dave Barry.]
That sounds about right, Dave. My dad’s generation expect the woman to hold a job, but still be a houehold slave because it is ‘woman’s work’. Those women should have kept the mastadon alive and let it eat the men.
And sexism of recent times…
A man horrified by a bill introduced by a woman that dictates men get a vasectomy either before their 50th birthday or after the birth of their third child.
It turns out, men don’t like others-,especially the lawmakers, telling them what to do with their penises and nards.
Hypocrite much, male pro lifers?
We can send mice into space…
but they still can’t make a laptop, tablet, or cell phone battery that actually LASTS WHILE YOU USE IT. Standby time is great, but if an hour of listening to internet radio drain my phone, what is the point??? Not to mention my ass trash laptop, telling me the battery has 1 hour 24 minutes…then even with minimal use, it abruptly hits 0% and dies.
Really, tech Gods? I know planned obsolence and forcing people to buy new batteries and new devices is your business model but it’s a shit practice.
Do NOT getting me started on smart TVs and how each year, more and more of the installed apps making it ‘smart’ are suddenly ‘no longer supported on this model.’
They may have been heavy, clunky, and ugly but the old CRT Tv’s lasted 15 years without ever needing a repair. These days you are lucky if a smart pr plasma TV lives over 5 years. I’d know, I used to help out in a TV repair shop. And if you don’t know what a CRT/old TV looks like, you are an embryo who is really missing out on reliability even if they’re ugly and outdated.
One of my favorite things in the world-since I was six years old-are yard sales. Omg, it’s like a lottery, you never know bargains and odd lots you may find. I cannot wait every year for spring so yard sales start up. And my daughter was 6 days old when I took her to her first yard sale so I’ve passed that love onto her.
Here’s a site I like because people come up with really unique ideas on how to decorate or upcycle used stuff and cheap items.
John Oliver on Medicare For All
The world has become a soul suckingly sad place when Justin Bieber shaving off his mustache is considered news to be rejoiced.
Him moving to Idaho and never being seen or heard screeching again is what would be rejoiced by some of us.
The corrupt pardoning the corrupt…
Word also has it that the Orange Dumpster Fire is thrilled with how divided the United States continues to be.
My cat would be a more fit commander in chief.
Every day I read news about the U.S. I am just reminded of every documentary I have watched about psychopathic tyrant leaders. Bin Laden, Hussein, Manson, Koresh-psychopathy isn’t voided just because you can get into office/leadership and sway the sheeple to your side.
We should all be very very scared.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely and if someone was born morally bankrupt and corrupt, gaining power will only turn the monster into a bigger monster.
How people are not terrified tells me the sheeple have become ostriches. Or true believers, which is even worse.
Blind faith is in the psychopathic powers that be is as dangerous as the psychopath.

Some Wednesday Weirdness and Links To Brighte Your Day

This is both bizarre and yet beautiful. Name a cockroach after your ex and watch an animal eat it for Valentine’s Day.
You’d think it was something my warped mind came up with.

Too bad my insurance wouldn’t pay for one of these to ‘cure’ my seasonal depression. The doctors do say it is all about getting more sunlight.
Forget the article…It was worth just reading this blurb.
President Trump, like most IG “models,” refuses to admit that he doesn’t wake up this naturally orange. We all know that his daily makeup routine includes, at the very least, painting his face with decayed coyote blood.
LMFAO. Hey, when I was a teenager people used to say I put my make up on with a steamroller so learn to laugh at yourself or stop stealing Chester Cheetah’s orange hue.
Tonight’s episode of 9-1-1:Lone Star
will have the crew putting out a fire at a bull semen factory.
Come for the appearance of Rob Lowe.
Bad pun? I suck.
The groin groomer…
I can never tell if these ads are satire or someone really has created testicle firming lotions.
Dose of AWWWW bordering on cuteness overdose…
pics of kittens hanging out in pockets.
Kinda funny, comparing cat poses to wrongly assembled Ikea furniture.
Watching Kitchen Nightmares introduced me to the disgusting (to me) term, gastropub.A gastropub (sometimes referred to as a gastrolounge or in the United States as a gastrobar) is a hybrid pub, bar and restaurant, notable for serving beer, wine and food.
To me, it sounds like some kind of stomach shrinking surgery or stomach pumping procedure. Just…ewww.
A random joke, anyone?
AN OLDER WOMAN runs into her friend at the mall. “You’re not going to believe this,” she said. “I found an old lamp the other day. I rubbed it and a genie popped out. He explained that genies don’t give three wishes anymore, but he did offer me a choice between one of two wishes. He could give me a better memory or turn my husband into the greatest lover ever.”

“Tough choice,” said her friend. “Which one did you choose?”

“That’s the thing. I can’t remember.”
another reason not to text and drive
Have you ever heard someone described as having a pole up their ass? Usually it means uptight, stuck-up or snobbish, but in the case of this story it means the woman was a bad driver, because she ended up with a pole stuck up her ass.

The Colorado woman says she was texting and driving when she hit a pole that went through her car, piercing her thigh and buttocks.

Read the rest of the story at:
Who brings a machete to McDonald’s?
A Florida man is in critical condition after he was attacked by another man with a machete. Pinellas Park Police responded to the McDonald’s around 11 p.m. after they were called about a fight. They say two men who knew each other got into an altercation and a man, later identified as Devin Quarterman, hit the other with a machete. The victim was taken to a local hospital where he is listed in critical condition. Quarterman ran away from the McDonald’s but police were able to arrest him the following day. Quarterman is charged with attempted first-degree murder, according to Pinellas Park Police.
Too cute

wildlife photography award

And I was mortified the time I waited tables and spilled water on a lady’s $40 purse!
Interesting tech science…
All you never wanted to know about male mongoose anal pads and testicle size.
This paragraph alone makes me wish I enjoyed video games cos it sounds crazy fun.
The only thing in Dead Cells’ latest expansion that gives me more pleasure than cleaving giant mutated fungi in half with a humongous scythe is having my own mushroomed companion fling itself at them with abandon and then explode upon impact.
Did people really need a crystal ball to know that Porsche’s EV would outperform Tesla’s EV and Tesla’s would be more affordable? I mean, this is just a case where the brand name alone says…well, everything relevant.

Ultimate Oxymoron: Comic Immigration

Take a Ride on My Mood Swing

Yes, this is a Ko-fi post link. No, you do not have to follow or buy me a coffee or do a damn thing but click and READ. And maybe think. Jeff Ross got me thinking, doing a comedy show near the border, treating the topic of comedy and the country’s current climate on immigration with both respect and his usual brand of LMFAO.

Read, follow, buy me a coffee for $3 to show you support my writing, even if not that piece. Mama needs quarters to go to the laundromat and dry six loads of laundry I am behind on. Got a washer, but with no dryer and can’t hang out and no room to dry inside…I NEED QUARTERS. Seems like less trouble and potential criminal charges than dousing all the dirty laundry in gasoline and setting it afire.

Please read.

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